No war in the history of the world, nor ever would have thought someone would read, which face the hordes of 10 million people was only 42 and who has won 42 of them Surmo l of
this war chamkaur war '(Battle of Chamkaur) who goes by the name of the Mughal warrior hordes of Wazir Khan lead the way in the face of 10 million, of which only 42 were against the Sikhs Guru Gobind Singh Ji were Ready to Lead the way l
The outcome of those 42 Knight wins the foundations of the rule of the Mughal Babur which had uprooted him and l India l independent India's rating
at the time of Aurangzeb Guru Gobind Singh Ji knelt before the end of the Mughal rule l from the Hindustan
Awrngeb only be a question in front of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, how is it that you have to create 10 million hordes of hordes thrown out!
Guru Gobind Singh Ji replied .. birds .. I Ldau eagle
Jackals I Bnau lion ..
Ldau only a quarter million Gobind Singh Khuँ!
Guru Gobind Singh Ji has said is, today everyone who is head bends l rich heritage of our country that we do not l ever read
if If you do not believe in the written once but google 'Battle of Chamkaur' and you will find out the truth l If you put a little bit too good and you are proud of being Indian shares must then forward it to the course of the glorious history of our country l began to know about the world , thanks