The war of the world don't ever read by ithas will neither be thought, that 10 million people with hordes of was only 42 and is one of the 42 l surmo whoseThis "war" (Battle of Chamkaur) battle of chamkaur is also known as the Mughal Warrior Wazir Khan led hordes of 10 million in just 42 of the Sikhs of Guru Gobind Singh-ji were in tyar lAs a result it turns out those 42 Knight wins the Mughal Government was by the niv which uprooted from her l root Babur laid and India free India's rating l-Ji Guru Gobind Singh also Syne aurangazeb to capitulate to the knee and ended Mughal rule l of Hindustan Only then did the Guru Gobind Singh by aurangzeb in front of a-ji, it's how you who hordes preparing 10 million uprooted hordes to pheka! Guru Gobind Singh-ji has responded.. Hummingbird I Eagle ladau.. Jackals I lion banau.. Gobind Singh only a sava lakh ladau kahaun! Guru Gobind Singh-ji, who said he did, that today everyone shisha bends l is our India's precious legacy that we don't ever read lIf you are not sure then once of course Google in the ' battle of chamkaur and true you will find l you if a little too nice and you have to be proud of being Indian share of course it forward so that our India's glorious ithas about began to know the world l Thanks