World history in the war not be read by anyone nor thought, that 10 million people just encountering hordes was 42 and 42 l of those whose surmo isThis war ' chamkaur "war (Battle of Chamkaur) also known as the Mughal Warrior Wazir Khan led hordes of 10 million Sikhs happened in front of just 42 facing master of Gobind Singh-ji were in tyar lAs a result it turns out those 42 Knight WINS which Mughal ruled niv that Babur was uprooted from her roots laid by l and India free India's rating l-Ji Guru Gobind Singh that aurangazeb were also further knee capitulate and Mughal rule was ended by India l Then have a question by aurangzeb Guru Gobind Singh-ji, what of you preparing hordes who uprooted the hordes of 10 million pheka! Guru Gobind Singh-ji replied. Hummingbird I Eagle ladau. Jackals I lion banau. Gobind Singh only a sava lakh ladau kahaun! Guru Gobind Singh-ji, who said he did, that today everyone shisha bends l is our India's precious heritage that we have not ever read lIf you are not sure, once of course Google in ' battle axe of chamkaur and true you will find l you if a little too nice and you are proud to be an Indian, of course it share of course so that our India's glorious history in the world about took out l Thanks