Jabalpur. The Ministry of railways by West Central railways to efficiency over all shield (Pandit Govind vallabh Pant shield) has been announced. Every year, the Ministry of railways on the occasion of the week of 17 zone across the best performing zone gives this award to. Pamre, the second consecutive time achieved this shield. GM Ramesh Chandra pamre instant on the achievement of happiness is.Who is this shieldThis shield is given the zone passenger trains, freight traffic income earnings, samyabadghata, resource use, passenger complaints and settlement etc. but to go back to work better. Pamre has lived up to this time. Also found other 5 shield pamre. Rail week national awards 2014-15 pamre combined with the safety shield South Railway usually found. Personnel management shield, signal and telecommunications shield, machine shop shield it. Pamre has achieved the highest all 17 zones on Indian Railways 6 shield achieved first place.